A Private Man:
Alex keeps himself, to himself. The rare occasions he opens up, are when he is playing, and then it's the pure passion of the music that flows within him that comes through.
A Giving Man:
With a net worth that falls somewhere between that of Bill Gates and Donald Trump, he enjoys giving to charitable organizations. His donations are not just monetary, however. He also gives of himself, offering out both his time and his talent to various causes.
Life Force Enterprises is a multidisciplinary biomedical research institute, situated primarily at Harvard Medical. Its mission is to improve the health and well-being of patients by performing innovative research in blood and blood-related processes. LFE is home to more than 40 research groups that employ a broad range of basic science, biotechnological, engineering and clinical investigative methods to address blood and blood-related science and health-related questions. LFE research groups are led by chemists, biologists, biochemists, pathologists, immunologists, geneticists, engineers, psychologists, sociologists, dentists, pediatricians, hematologists, oncologists, virologists and microbiologists, who are based in the Faculties of Medicine, Applied Science and Engineering, Arts, Sociology, Dentistry, Pharmaceutical Science and Science.